To me, fireweed is a pretty recognizable mountain wildflower, but most people hiking through the mountains probably have no idea how good it is.
According to the late great herbalist Michael Moore, both clinical and animal studies have shown Fireweed to be a superior herb for reducing inflammation (both internally and externally). The flower is the most coveted part, but the leaves are valuable too.. so I usually harvest both.
I’ve never used it externally, but to use it internally just prepare it and drink it as a tea. Its taste is very mild and benign (I often blend it with yerba buena to add a bit more flavor). It’s particularly useful and soothing for intestinal inflammation.
Nobody seems to know for sure, but the generally accepted thought is that its name comes from the fact that it’s one of the first plants to establish after a forest fire.
DISCLAIMER: I’m not a medical professional and I am not advising that anyone use herbs for any medical condition. Please consult with your health care provider before using herbal treatments.