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Remedio de Alamo – Balm of Gilead (2 oz)


Cottonwood (alamo en Español) buds are rich in salicin, a naturally occurring pain reliever that your body coverts to salicylic acid, the precursor to aspirin.

Click here to purchase 1 oz container.

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Harvested from the fallen branches of cottonwood trees in our front yard and nearby arroyos, we extract the good medicine from the balsamic resin of the leaf buds. Cottonwood (alamo en Español) buds are rich in salicin, a naturally occurring pain reliever that your body coverts into salicylic acid, the precursor to aspirin. This is one of our simplest recipes: cottonwood buds infused in olive oil pomace and beeswax.

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1 oz, 2 oz