Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) is a gentle nervine that can be helpful to sedate an overly active nervous system that results from stress, lack of sleep, tension, anxiety, etc. This herbal remedy has an affinity for the cardiovascular, digestive, and female reproductive systems, helping to relieve tension in these systems of the body. It’s a very reliable and effective emmenagogue and antispasmodic that’s especially effective for tension or stress or affecting the heart and/or uterus.
This spagyric tincture was made with fresh harvested motherwort from our herb gardens, extracted in grain alcohol.
*A spagyric is an alchemical procedure in which you purify the strained Body (plant material) by Fire in a process called calcination order to add it back to the tincture solution in a process called the “Chymical Wedding.” It’s a reunion of the plant medicine’s post-purified Body with its Soul and Spirit. Spagyrics are considered by alchemists to be the most “whole-istic” version of a plant medicine, making it a more potent version of a tincture.